Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fathers Day

It was still early dawn and morning sky was still virgin, untouched by the rays of sun, I was busy with my laptop, formatting a post for recently started, in fact just from yesterday, a new section "My Spiritual World" at my blog clock was still behind 5:00 am and even according to standards of modern India, It was still an early and very early morning [ Now a days in the modern India day ends after the midnight and starts almost after two hours of sun rise] all of sudden I feel my self in the showers of flowers, with a surprised face I was forced to turn and found her standing behind me and showering flower on me, A lightning spark went through my mind like the one is going yours now and I collected from my cerebral cortex the importance of the day. Once I have been asked, while completing my blogging profile , about the happiest moment of my life and my answer was 23 March 1985, when my daughter was born. Yes your guess is correct, she was showering flowers on me as today is the day, being celebrated in India and many many other countries World Wide as the "Fathers Day."
After greeting me she went away to her room for a little bit more of sleep, but has left me thinking about her. How many of know that behind the celebration of "Fathers Day" is also her, I mean a daughter, Sonora Smart Dodd, a single parent child [because early death of mother] in the year 1909, she thought of expressing her gratitude towards her father for his sacrifices, courage, selflessness and love,while taking care of her childhood and on 19Th of June 1910,the birthday of her father William Jackson Smart, celebrated world's ever first "Fathers Day".
In the western culture son and daughter are homogeneous in the sense that as and when they grow up both are having independent and individual life without any interference from the parents but in the eastern world specially in India, there is tradition that daughters have to leave the house of mother and father and go away to live with her husband and his family, where as son is allowed to stay with the parents and treated as the natural owner of the house. In India, it is said that it is her destiny to live two lives in one birth. I wish to curse one who has started this tradition under the sweet name of destiny, but recalled my fathers [Late Dr. Premchand Manghirmalani] "Kanwan Je Pitan san Dhor Na Marandan Aahiyan" it is sindhi language means curses of crows can't be the cause of death for animals, hence I leave this tradition or destiny as it is but know my eyes are filled with tears imagining that on next fathers day she will not be with me. She will be married by then. I can't write more now and wish to stop here with my all the blessings and prayers for the future life of her.

1 comment:

Drsnokřídlovec Březový said...

Excellent article Dear, thank you for the invitation. Keep up this great blog of yours.