Democratic Elections
Lok Sabha elections are round the corner and in the country like India this opportunity is generated at the regular interval of usual five years and citizen get a chance show and express their attitude and accountability towards the building of geographical land as the nation India.
This is time, the usual democratic elections are meaning a lot more as recently we had seen the anger expression of Indians generated from the terrorist attack on Mumbai and still this threat is withholding the government to grant permission for the IPL in tandem of elections.
Will this time, we the citizens of India, be able to deliver something notable towards our contribution for the development of nation? Will our choice fulfill the standards of selecting a proper representative? After the election will we have the satisfaction of fulfilling our responsibility, laid down on us by our constitution? These are the some of the questions which are bound to get an answer by these elections.
It is often said that elections are the acid test for the politicians, but if we look with wider vision and true sense, eventually democratic elections are the biggest obligation and acid test of wisdom of common citizens, because this one minute individual action is bound to play all important role for the future and contributes very significantly towards the building of nation. The most important question waiting for a reply from this election, is the Indian citizens, during these over fifty years of democracy, does the Indian voters had gained enough maturity and learned art of unbiased voting?
Before we get answer for this on 16 May 2009, this will be beneficial to learn how we had voted in the past, because it is past which gives birth to future on the surface of present. Till today we Indian have voted on the lines of
1] Political Party: At the dawn of democracy in the country, Indians were under the influence of political parties and since recent past not much considerable change is visible as for as this influence is concerned. We are voting on party lines without bothering or even thinking about the ability, social background, educational level, life ideology and many more things related with the individual candidate.
2] Cast: In this line of voting also we ignore all the demerits and shortcomings of individual candidate and vote on solitary line of cast to which we and candidate belongs to.
3] Personal Relation: More than 20% of the people, who comes out for voting are slave of this criteria of voting. We often vote for a candidate only because we have good social relations with candidate or with the friends and relatives of the candidate.
4]Influenced voting: This is yet another significant pattern of voting and very distinctly visible in the rural and areas with low educational levels, where under the influence of threat, greed or short term economic gains, people comes out to vote for a particular candidate.
5] Aggressive Publicity Voting: We had reached to status of living in the market so how can the elections be remaining unaffected from this. Today elections are the reason of economic boost and occasion of huge flow of money. Unfortunately more than 50% people of urban areas, coming out to exercise voting rights are falling pray to this aggressive publicity. The amazing things that most of this educated lot know that, what the candidate is promising and publicizing is not more than seasonal rain of elections and bound to get evaporate as soon as the sun of reality starts to shine in the sky of normal life.
Next in series
Democratic Elections Selecting Candidate
Lok Sabha elections are round the corner and in the country like India this opportunity is generated at the regular interval of usual five years and citizen get a chance show and express their attitude and accountability towards the building of geographical land as the nation India.
This is time, the usual democratic elections are meaning a lot more as recently we had seen the anger expression of Indians generated from the terrorist attack on Mumbai and still this threat is withholding the government to grant permission for the IPL in tandem of elections.
Will this time, we the citizens of India, be able to deliver something notable towards our contribution for the development of nation? Will our choice fulfill the standards of selecting a proper representative? After the election will we have the satisfaction of fulfilling our responsibility, laid down on us by our constitution? These are the some of the questions which are bound to get an answer by these elections.
It is often said that elections are the acid test for the politicians, but if we look with wider vision and true sense, eventually democratic elections are the biggest obligation and acid test of wisdom of common citizens, because this one minute individual action is bound to play all important role for the future and contributes very significantly towards the building of nation. The most important question waiting for a reply from this election, is the Indian citizens, during these over fifty years of democracy, does the Indian voters had gained enough maturity and learned art of unbiased voting?
Before we get answer for this on 16 May 2009, this will be beneficial to learn how we had voted in the past, because it is past which gives birth to future on the surface of present. Till today we Indian have voted on the lines of
1] Political Party: At the dawn of democracy in the country, Indians were under the influence of political parties and since recent past not much considerable change is visible as for as this influence is concerned. We are voting on party lines without bothering or even thinking about the ability, social background, educational level, life ideology and many more things related with the individual candidate.
2] Cast: In this line of voting also we ignore all the demerits and shortcomings of individual candidate and vote on solitary line of cast to which we and candidate belongs to.
3] Personal Relation: More than 20% of the people, who comes out for voting are slave of this criteria of voting. We often vote for a candidate only because we have good social relations with candidate or with the friends and relatives of the candidate.
4]Influenced voting: This is yet another significant pattern of voting and very distinctly visible in the rural and areas with low educational levels, where under the influence of threat, greed or short term economic gains, people comes out to vote for a particular candidate.
5] Aggressive Publicity Voting: We had reached to status of living in the market so how can the elections be remaining unaffected from this. Today elections are the reason of economic boost and occasion of huge flow of money. Unfortunately more than 50% people of urban areas, coming out to exercise voting rights are falling pray to this aggressive publicity. The amazing things that most of this educated lot know that, what the candidate is promising and publicizing is not more than seasonal rain of elections and bound to get evaporate as soon as the sun of reality starts to shine in the sky of normal life.
Next in series
Democratic Elections Selecting Candidate
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