Sunday, October 26, 2008

Indian Idol 4 - Will a Sindhi this time

Young talented singing sensation Mohit Lalwani of Delhi has made final 30 for Indian Idol 4 and needs supporting SMS from viewers to move further in competition. Watch him performing on Sony Television Friday - Saturday and support him by sending a minimum of 5-6 SMS everytime & maximum no limit. (Please note that the SMS lines open from Saturday 9p.m. to Sunday 9a.m.)


To read more about Mohit Lalwani

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Scripted Protest

Scripted Protest
Surly many of you will agree with me, that during past few days a few Hindi News television channels have dedicated significant time slot for discussing live in relations this happen because congress party lead Maharashtra government recommended this, otherwise in our country still a discussion on a sex related topic is treated as social taboo by a considerable large population. The question is that why it become essential for government to make legal provision for the Live in relation? Will this law be capable of solving the problem or this going to be proved yet another weapon to use as tool for harassment? First of all let us look at situations which are underlining the need of recognition for Live in relations especially when we are living in a country, which since the ancient times has historic tradition for Gandharva Vivah a marriage without celebrations and rituals and even the Niyog [Woman seeking temporary sex relations for the pregnancy with the consent of her husband who being physically handicap to perform his part in the process of birth of children] was not looked as the action to be reason for hate and social isolation. The most significant and very distinctly known characteristic of time is its changing nature and forcing surroundings to cope with these changes. In the most parts of globes among the human population this is universal understanding and accepted fact that for becoming successful one need to be master in coping with and able to sustain changes generated by the time. Since the time of independence, in these sixty odd years our country has successfully tackled the changes posed by the time. In the time of sixty years of post independence, Indian women’s journey has covered miles and miles and presently she is marching shoulder to shoulder with her opposite sex partner on every walk of life. Today in the Indian cities and even in villages, baring some remote area of the country, women are coming out from the boundary walls of the home for the education and for the jobs, hence the interaction between the two human sexes is increasing at very vigorous rate, here by interaction I don’t mean necessarily about the lustful behavior, but surely also don’t deny the increased chances for the existence of physical relations between duo. In these situations Live in relations start to appear on the social platform because in our country bigamy is taken as breach of law. In most of the cases woman is on the side suffering most because still our society is male dominating one and all the blames become the share of woman. People opposing this recognition of Live in relations are taking this as bypass for the bigamy law and an effort to destroy several centuries old Indian tradition of marriage and family. On the other side supporters are arguing this as woman protecting law and essential for keeping the social environment having certain moral norms. I have started this with television channels and concluding with one more news of the television channels and this is related with one of reality show Bigg Boss. News reports lodging of F.I.R. against the show for spreading vulgarity. The amazing facts about this complain is that it is lodged by the President of Youth branch of the political party, which is supporting recognition to live in relations. Frankly speaking I am unable to write the script properly, on the moral ground which is more harmful for our social life, telecasting swim suit scenes and leg massage of girl by a boy or giving by law recognition to live in relations.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Say No to Smoking

Say No to Smoking
Water flow under the bridges is speeding up and news world is regularly updates with some real interesting rumors and facts. This is a real fact that since last 2nd October India is among the select group of country where smoking at public places is punishable activity by the law of land.
Before I am come to express my views about, I feel it my moral duty to interact with my regular blog readers, you all know last about 50 days were of the hectic work schedule for me as I was over busy with renovation of community portal of global Sindhis and launching of a website related with tourism of Incredible India. This is truly an encouraging happening for us that within 10 days of official launching our site started to find place in Google search for the keywords like Bhodhgaya. Many of my e-friends know, this is my professional commitment to compile all the information available on our site in readable format and this work is among the most time consuming jobs hence I was unable to find time for my blog writing. This tedious work is over though 100 descriptive pages related with Famous forts and monuments of country are still to be added to site but this work will start towards mid of November and over next project will become functional towards the year end so for next about 3 months I am with leisure time and promise to update my blog at least 12 to 15 times in a month.
Coming back to topic of this blog post “Smoking”, various health reports of our country are indicative of about 2,800 deaths daily due to tobacco generated diseases including cancer of various vital body organs. Probably this might be the encouraging reason for the central government for coming up with this law. People protesting this law are of the opinion that this is yet another blind following of developed countries like France, Germany and many other European countries. These people are arguing on the basis of known and accepted facts that in our country more that 80% of tobacco is consumed in the form of “Khaini”, “Gutaka” and “Bidis” where as in the rest of world more than 90% of total tobacco consumption is in the form of “Cigarettes” hence the situations in our country are completely different from rest of world, beside that higher villege population, lower education levels and less health awareness among common citizens will prove a huge hurdle for the practical implementation of this law and there are more chance for this law to providing yet another platform for corruption. Whatever the arguments may be given in favor or against of this law but this is a welcomed step as whatever may be the chances of successful implementation of this law, one thing is sure this law is going to discourage youth for going for smoking.
As our news channels have tendency of over acting on any happening so this was not different. Some news channels have shown how the common people and even the employees from the Indian Police are violating this law, but no news channel registered complain against them, even though the channels were with the decisive evidence in the form of video footage. I wish to ask just one and simple question to all these news channels, Is this responsible journalism? Implementation of law of land doesn’t rests only with hands of administrative machinery of the country but this moral duty of every citizen to extend helping hands for the implementation of laws. Sorry to say but this attitude was completely non visible in the actions of country’s television news channels.
Some other television news channels covered this issue with reactions of celebrities and among this most meaningful reaction came from Sharukh Khan, a known smoker film star and Youth Icon of country “It was better to ban cigarette production or hang the smokers but we know we can’t do this because we are living in a democratic country”.
Surly this is hard to implement this law in a country where just for fun of evocating fumes from the mouth youth is getting attracted towards smoking. Baning of smoking on public place can be taken as interim step because presently government is not in mood of sustaining huge [about 40 thousand carore of rupees] revenue loss for the sack of public health. Political dilemma of country is also not favoring such harsh steps but surely this is within the reach of government to raise the duties on tobacco products to such levels that these products go beyond the reach of purchasing powers of common people. This additional generated revenue can be utilized for educating people about the health hazards of tobacco consumption.
Even the chronicle smokers will not deny “Smoking is injurious for the health” so please next time say no to smoking, whether it is ban by law or not.